Monday, June 28, 2010

6.27 - 6.28.10

June 27 - Went to the gym for a back & ab workout, 40 minutes.
Late: Insanity Cardio Plyo Circuit, 41 min; Cardio Abs, 17 min.

June 28 - Running, 50 min (hot and muggy outside, yeech!); Body Boot Camp, 65 min; Insanity Fit Test 25 min (skipped the 5 min warm up, I was already warm from BBC).

Insanity Fit Test - Lots of improvements! Each for one full minute:
Switch kicks - 91 (up 17)
Power jacks - 70 (up 14)
Power knees - 119 (up 29)
Power jumps - 37 (up 12)
Globe jumps - 13 (up 3)
Suicide jumps (Burpees) - 23 (same)
Push up jacks - 40 (up 5)
Low plank obliques - 71 (up 15)

I'm happy I did so well because I'd already done so much today, I didn't think I'd be fresh enough to do a good job. Now I'm BEAT. I'll sleep like a baby tonight!

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