Thursday, December 24, 2009

12.23 - 12.24.09

Wednesday, Christmas Eve Eve: Day off. (HA!) Drove to two separate malls (far apart), two strip malls, two grocery stores (One was The Mustard Seed Market, which I love-love-love), CVS, two coffee stops. Afterward, I spent HOURS wrapping presents. Fortunately, I was on the phone with my good buddy, Pam, for those hours of wrapping.

Thursday, Christmas Eve: 10 minutes elliptical at the gym, then my 1 hr 5 min. Body Boot Camp class. I tried to get everyone out of there earlier than usual - we all had so much to do.

The workout was a killer, with a "break" of sorts with the partner drills.

Christmas Eve Boot Camp

Warm Up
Step touch w/stretching, grapevine, cross arms, lat arms, skate, cross crawl, repeater lunges, jacks, jump rope, step touch arms, 3 Vinyassas

Circuit #1
Squats w/medicine balls
Pushup series
Rope climb abs
Repeat 3X

Cardio interval – broad jump forward, chug back, Repeat 5X

Circuit #2
The Twelve Days of Christmas (this was done just like the song, so by the end of it you've done A LOT of work).

1 prisoner squat
2 reverse lunges
3 upright rows
4 sumo squats
5 siff squat calf raises
6 triceps dips
7 full pushups
8 plank rows
9 hydrants left
10 hydrants right
11 ultimate crunches
12 touch the sky

Water break & then
STAIRS (four floors)

Circuit # 3 - Partner drills
Stand ups
Medicine ball waist pass both sides
Medicine ball woodchopper pass both sides
Medicine ball lunge series
Medicine ball ab pass

Circuit #4
Resistance band partner rows (standing)
Resistance band chest presses
Resitance band plank row, the row with rotation

Cardio Interval – Mountain climbers and jumping jacks

Bear crawls

Circuit #5
Dumbbell swing squat
Hydrant series
Low plank hold

Cool down/Stretch

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